Caitlin + Mark | Washington DC Couples Session

In mid June, Caitlin and Mark opened up their doors to me in Washington DC for two nights. I arrived during the day so they left me a key and a list of the best places to eat and grab coffee nearby. Caitlin and I bonded immediately during our first phone conversation over our shared love of all things food. She quit her job in Hong Kong, moved back to the states and went straight to work on an organic farm. It was during this time that she met Mark and eventually found her way to DC. This city is their first shared home. Taking these images of them in a place that means something to them and their story was hugely important to me. No matter where they go from here, this is where they had their beginnings.

We went to some of the most iconic spots in DC filled with kids in matching brightly colored t-shirts on summer break and massive tour groups heralded through the mall by guides yielding umbrellas in a similar fashion to war leaders heading into battle. We captured both vibrancy and buzz of our nation’s capital and quiet intimate moments that were just about Caitlin and Mark and who they are together. We ended the night together with a cocktail tasting at barmini. It’s something they’d wanted to do for a while and they shared the experience with me. I have never had cocktails like this in my life, and I may never again. It was a flight of six and they were created with cedar planks, open flames and liquid nitrogen just to name a few of the non traditional methods invoked. I feel like this was the Harry Potter of the cocktail world.

Thank you two for sharing your home with me, exploring in the sun and humidity and finishing the night with a fest of cocktails and Spanish-inspired small plates. (Can we eat that grilled cheese again?)


Black and White Women's Stories: An Experiment


Happy 4th of July: Quick + Healthy Chipotle, Dill + Chickpea Summer Salad